Thursday 5 September 2013

Final Fantasy X OST

Konnichiwa Minasan

Here's some photos of the Final Fantasy X OST, please enjoy. Overall I find the presentation of packaging better than Final Fantasy VIII's OST with the series staple plain white background on the outer box and then with the photos on the case itself. It looks better when being displayed on the shelf. Although the VIII's combination of the shininess of the cd case with the white background is quite nice to look at but being cased inside the box means it doesn't work very well for displays.
Some of my favourite tracks on X's OST include, both versions of Suteki Da De?, To Zanakand, Wandering Flame, Those Who Come Closer, I Can Fly, Attack, Revealed Truth, Path of Repentance, Bisaido Island, Silence Before the Storm, People of the North Pole, Tidus' Theme, This is Your Story and Warping to a Different Dimension.
Does anyone else imagine the corresponding parts of the game when listening to the music and get chills down their spine? Nope? Maybe that's just me...

Friday 30 August 2013

Final Fantasy VIII OST

Konnichiwa Minasan!
I got home today to find 2 parcels had arrived! One contained Final Fantasy VIII and X OSTs and the other was Origin: Spirits of the Past Blu Ray. Here's the Photos I took of the Final Fantasy VIII Soundtrack.
Looking forward to going through these soundtracks, it'll be great to hear them in such high quality!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Hikaru Utada - Ultra Blue - Japanese Version

Konnichia Minasan!
After almost a month of waiting Utada's album Ultra Blue has finally arrived and I've gotta say it's about the nicest CD I've seen. The booklet that comes with it is staggeringly thick and high quality gloss which makes it very pretty. The overall presentation of the case is very shiny and pretty. Here's a few photos for you all to see, I took photos of the pages which had photos on them. I'll make another post soon stating my thoughts on the music itself. I will let you know now that I'm very impressed with this album overall.

I couldn't get the front cover to look all that good in my photos. Anyway enjoy!